We offer Original Hot Yoga, Classical Hatha Yoga,
Yin Yoga, and Kids Yoga classes.

Original Hot Yoga
Original Hot Yoga (aka Bikram Yoga or 26 & 2), is a 90 minute therapeutic sequence of 26 postures and 2 breathing exercise practiced in 105 degrees and 40% humidity. This style of hatha yoga is for every body no matter how old, sick, injured or inflexible. The practice is rewarding, transformative, and for all levels.
Bring a yoga mat, large towel, and water.

Yin Yoga
Yin Yoga comes from traditional Chinese energetic practices and targets the deep connective tissues of the body including ligaments, tendons, bones and fascia. The breath is used to calm the mind allowing you to stay for the longer duration of the posture. We relax the muscles so that we can work the deep tissue. Practice is room temperature.
Bring a yoga mat, large towel and water.